Bouncy. o.0
It was nice, but the Voices could be a bit better. I wonder what'll happen now...
Bouncy. o.0
It was nice, but the Voices could be a bit better. I wonder what'll happen now...
Yay for Bonus Stage...
So, this Lost Episode is the last bit of Bonus Stage, eh? At least there's the new toon comin up...
Guess that Choco-Taco Time device did more the stop th--bah, Speculation.
And that's that.
Nice movie. Funny. And his watch is awesome.
Hee hee, Anime.
I liked this movie. The fighting animation's were gewd in my opinion, and I liked the "STUN" part at the start. XP I would like to see what will happen next realting to this "To be continued..."
I love sprite stuff.
This is really good, eveyone has their own unique essence in them, and the song is catchy. :3
Great job.
Nice. I love the Metal Sonics the best. Goodjob of FMA-tizing it.
Love you stuff, this one is great too. Interesting flower-creature-thing. I wait for the next one...
Joined on 11/9/05